About Us

AutismSpeech A Unique Approach

Autism Speech is educational therapist Rob Bernstein’s unique Bernstein Cognitive Method For Autism to treating individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Rob diagnoses individual’s learning processes, and remediates learning and behavioral problems. He is able to help clients with ASD break out of their autistic tendencies and gain more typical functioning. He facilitates meaningful speech in children with limited and, in some cases, no speech, many of whom have not progressed in other therapeutic settings. His work often provides relief to families who have experienced years of frustration.

(Rob therapy session, where help guard dog is introduced for making therapy fun and effective)

(Rob helping a kid to say her first word)

Bernstein Cognitive Method For Autism (BCMA)

We offer practical ways to work with the full spectrum of individuals with autism with COGNITIVE AUTISM THERAPY (CAT). Recognizing that each person with ASD contains a “reservoir of normalcy” that he or she can tap into Believing that each person with ASD is different from every other person with ASD and working to see the world from his or her point of view; Creating and seizing opportunities that enable each ASD person’s typical behaviors to emerge and develop. 

Meet Rob

(Kid managed  throw six feet apart

first during

a therapy session)

Benefits of consultation

  1.  Learn to speak for the first time, or if the child is verbal, engage in natural, reciprocal conversations.
  2.  Develop deep and meaningful relationships, no matter how disconnected they were at the start.

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